
Hello everyone! 

Welcome to my official blog. To start with, I am a 26-year-old South Asian woman living in Canada.

The best way I can describe myself is the way I see myself. I am a dreamer. I love to learn. I am constantly growing, constantly making mistakes, and constantly finding ways to fix myself. I am a feminist, in every sense of the word. And to those who don’t know what that means, I strive for equality. I seek balance and fairness; I am a Libra for a reason! I’m also big on fate, hope, and love. Call me cliche, but I call myself a princess. That was my dream job when I was 5 years old… I actually believed that being a princess was a legitimate career I could go into. But, I am still striving for success so that I can feel like royalty every day of my life, even if I’m not actually a princess. My ultimate goal in life is to simply be happy and be content with where I am. 

That leads to this post right here. I have been wanting to start a blog for so many years. I love writing, but I never pushed myself to pursue it. I majored in English and I realized how much passion went into certain projects and essays I’ve done when I was in school, such as my creative writing courses, women studies, and other topics. I was always nervous to start writing, but now that I am the words are flowing right out of me! 

So, now that all of that is out of the way, I’m going to talk about what this blog will be about. This is going to be my outlet, a place that shows you exactly who I am and what makes me, me. This blog is going to focus on what I love talking about most: happiness, growth, feminist issues, and my favorite hobbies. This includes traveling, beauty, YouTube, food, gaming, photography, and more. I am a well-rounded person… I don’t have one thing I am best at. Instead, I have multiple things I am average at, but love doing. Everything you will see here represents me in a nutshell.

With that being said, welcome to my inner thoughts!